"Brown Morning"

Author: Franck Pavloff
Illustrator: Ah To
Publisher: CUP Publishing

Brown Morning is a political allegory novel written by French author Franck Pavloff. The original French version was published in December 1998, while the Chinese translation was released in 2015, featuring illustrations by Hong Kong illustrator Ah To. Ah To and Ah Po created a spin-off story as a small continuation of the original novel.

After its initial publication in 1998, Brown Morning gained widespread recognition in 2002. This was due to the success of far-right candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen in advancing to the second round of the French presidential election. The novel was seen as having accurately foreseen the political landscape of France at the time, leading to significant public attention and selling over a million copies.

The central theme of Brown Morning is opposition to a monolithic national ideology, as well as a critique of what Pavloff refers to as "small concessions." The book became widely popular across France, in part because its content is not tied to a specific historical period, making it a frequently discussed topic in schools and workplaces.

The Chinese edition, illustrated by Ah To, was published in Hong Kong after the 2014 Umbrella Movement. The novel resonated with the post-movement atmosphere, reflecting the sense of helplessness in Hong Kong’s civil society as it faced political repression following the failure of the pro-democracy protests. Additionally,


原作:Franck Pavloff
出版:CUP 出版社

《棕國好狗》是由法國作家判帕洛夫(Franck Pavloff)所寫的政治寓言小說。法語原著於1998年12月出版。中譯本於2015年出版,香港插畫家阿塗作畫。書中阿塗與阿寶創作了一篇外傳故事,作為原著在香港版本的小小延續。

《棕國好狗》的原著於1998年出版後數載,便在2002年聲名大噪。因為當時法國極右派候選人讓-馬里·勒龐(Jean Louis Marie Le Pen) 成功進入第二輪總統大選,而這本小說準確預見了當時法國政局的走向,故此獲得當地社會的高度關注,銷量超過一百萬本。

《棕國好狗》主旨反對國家的一元思想,以及批判帕洛夫所稱的「小讓步」。有言此書能夠在全國風行,是關內容沒有特定的時間關聯,於是能成為法國學校、工作場所中多討論的話題。阿塗作畫的中文版則於香港 2014 年「雨傘運動」之後出版,以呼應香港民主運動失敗後,公民社會開始被政權打壓的無力感。






《新年怎會不快樂》Ah To x Oxfam Children's Picture Book


《謎圖小學雞》 "Riddle Chick"